The Real Guts – Hats OFF

Posted: January 15, 2009 in Articles
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                               Many of us have seen in the news about the  SriLanka issue.Though all the things done by tamils are not justified but Srilankan govt’s killing spree bombing its own citizens has been cleanly revealed in this article by Editor Wickramatunge who was also eventually brutally killed.This article was written days before his death knowing he will be killed.

Excerpt Note to Srilankan President by Editor

Now, it is clear to all who will see that the machinery has operated so well, my sons and daughter do not have a father.

In the wake of my death I know you will make all the usual sanctimonious noises and call upon the police to hold a swift and thorough inquiry.

But like all the inquiries you have ordered in the past, nothing will come of this one, too. For truth be told, we both know who will be behind my death, but dare not call his name. Not just my life but yours too depends on it.

Let the world awake atleast now on……..

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